Sunday, 5 December 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Friday, 5 November 2010
If I'm not mistaken there are 5 aggregates of the known matter.
kvark-gluon plasm
The plasm is when we heat up the atom and rip out the electrons from it.
The kvark-gluon plasm is when the nuclear matter of the atoms is melted and all the kvarks and gluons getting released... now that is something what the scientists trying to do in this November with the LHC. They need more then 10 Billion C...which is 10million time hotter than the middle of our Sun! Cool or stupid? Dunno man but probably dangerous!
kvark-gluon plasm
The plasm is when we heat up the atom and rip out the electrons from it.
The kvark-gluon plasm is when the nuclear matter of the atoms is melted and all the kvarks and gluons getting released... now that is something what the scientists trying to do in this November with the LHC. They need more then 10 Billion C...which is 10million time hotter than the middle of our Sun! Cool or stupid? Dunno man but probably dangerous!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
...and I'm still sitting here.
- Last day tomorrow regarding to work, I'm so happy:]
- Btw I've got another flat tires 2x in 3 days.
- Just checked Facebook and sent out some emails.
- The hamsters had to be separated, cause Pir bit Mim again.
- Couldn't negotiate with landlord to reduce rent. He raised it +70 pounds. That's bad. Moving would give us a lot of extra things to do. Don't really feel like looking for a new place right now.
- I'm happy with the cordless headphone... nice sound and very comfortable.
- I talked to the polish girl about her last party. She apologized but seems like she already forgot it. Now it's midnight and she starting to run up and down with somebody else. Also the other neighbors doing some romantic stuff, cause the music is pretty jazzy:]
- I wait to check my account if the missing salary arrived.
- Adios!
- Last day tomorrow regarding to work, I'm so happy:]
- Btw I've got another flat tires 2x in 3 days.
- Just checked Facebook and sent out some emails.
- The hamsters had to be separated, cause Pir bit Mim again.
- Couldn't negotiate with landlord to reduce rent. He raised it +70 pounds. That's bad. Moving would give us a lot of extra things to do. Don't really feel like looking for a new place right now.
- I'm happy with the cordless headphone... nice sound and very comfortable.
- I talked to the polish girl about her last party. She apologized but seems like she already forgot it. Now it's midnight and she starting to run up and down with somebody else. Also the other neighbors doing some romantic stuff, cause the music is pretty jazzy:]
- I wait to check my account if the missing salary arrived.
- Adios!
Saturday, 30 October 2010

Yeah-yeah... we've got 2 hamsters. They r sooo cuuute!
Little furballs. Mimion (grey) and Pirlimpimpim (yellow) :]
As my friend said: they r the positive energy in da house:] They r Dewi's primary friends now. Eat-poop-pee-play and sleep. That's it. Np. Too bad they will fight later when they gettin' older. 2 syrian males. Now they still lovely juvly togeder. I gave them toiletpaper to play. I upload photo soon.
Well this time it is something bad. Our lovely new polish neighbour (girl on the upper floor just above us) had another "great" party in the middle of the night. This time they started after midnight 'cause I did not hear anything before 12. I woke up at 3:30 to a loud german guytalk and laughter mixed with some girls-hihihi. I couldn't sleep until now... it's 8 am btw. :[ I heard knocks-kind-of-noises around 5 am. I thought it must be some of the other neigbours, because 10 min after that the party people went silent. Interesting way this time the music was totally missing. Instead of that they sang:[ Last time they sang too but added with the heavy bass, which made the walls shaking like earthquake. I can't imagine what they did because it sounded like running up and down the stairs ... bum-bum-bum-bummm... but like forever... seriously! WTF are they doing? The only reason I did not talk to them because (misterious way) Dewi was sleeping undisturbed, and I thought if I go and open the door she will wake up. And anyway I just don't believe it would make any sense to ask drunk teenagers to shut the f* up! I have a lot of understanding and patience, but when I see next time this girl I'm gonna tell her to change the style. This is not nice. First time maybe 2 months ago when she just moved in, she knocked on every door in the house to invite and tell about her incoming party. She even said if they'll be too loud just tell them. That was okay although they really made it terrible for us to sleep. But fuck it, she warned us. This time she did not, and that makes a difference. I hope I meet her soon. MF!
Friday, 29 October 2010
Great Goodness!! ... never buy tools anymore in 99 Penny...or in similar cheap stores! The water heater wasn't working in our flat. I knew it is very expensive to let it fixed by an electrician, so I did it by myself.... and the 240 V just ran through me as I touched the red wire with the cheap screwdriver. Interesting because I turned off the power for the whole flat ... ??? Anyway.. after 10 min I fixed the switch and now we have hot water again :))
It's almost 7 months that I'm working for this restaurant. I kinda feel now that it is enough. I've got a "flash" today while some latino guests payed their bill and left extra 5 pound for me, that I really should look for another place. Something with more tourists, because they give tip... and this is the real motivation for us waiters. Let's see what happens!
Saturday, 2 October 2010
2 weeks ago when I went home from work with my bike, I chose the newly opened road, which actually saves 4 min of my journey:] I saw a big bag-shaped thing lying on the road. It was too far to see exactly what it was but as I got closer I realized that it was a drunk guy sleeping. It was about 2 am in the night and it was pretty cold. I got off my bicycle and tried to wake him up, but he wasn't reacting very actively:] So i pulled him off the road onto the walkway. He was a heavy, big guy. Still sleeping there in a sitting - forward leaning position. Suddenly a car stopped with 4 stupid indians in it. The idiot driver shouted to me to take the guy's wallet and phone, and when I gave him my "i-can't-believe-you-just-said-that"-look, he told me that if I don't take the stuff they will come back for it later. Whatever - I said and I left the drunk man alone after the indian junkies drove away. I was just glad I removed that guy from the road before a car ran over him. The rest is not my problem:]
When I'm angry I have a reason to be like that. And I don't want to be calmed down at all. I want justice. I want that the person or people who made me angry see and understand that what they did was wrong and unfair. Unfairness is a thing I would say I hate most. I understand that others want me to get over it. It is what I do also when I see somebody boiling from the rage. But I know that it is pointless to tell "Take 3 deep breath and forget it!" - because this is not a solution. Revenge is also not a solution either. I feel I want to focus all my anger and punish the person who doesn't respect me. I want to be a dark jedi, a Sith, using the dark side of the Force and let it out, so the bad people learn the consequences. It would make me feel much better that moment. Even though I'd knew I did something not right with my actions. But what else can I do against Life's unfair happenings???
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Hi fellows!
Did you guys ever thought about that all the smartphones, mp3 players, and the small entertaining electronic gadgets make our brains rest less and less each day. These things giving us access to internet too which means more information for the brain. Breaks in the job, traveling on public transportation, going out with friends, even while we working we spend too much to check our iPhones, Blackberries, etc and we don't give time to the brain to rest and digest all the information we give "him". The info can not be stored properly in the memory and there is no time to work out solutions or making new individual ideas. Although these gadgets are useful and fun, we forget about the negative side. We just have to make sure that we spend some time in the silence of the nature if possible, or sleep an extra hour in the afternoon. Think about that!
Did you guys ever thought about that all the smartphones, mp3 players, and the small entertaining electronic gadgets make our brains rest less and less each day. These things giving us access to internet too which means more information for the brain. Breaks in the job, traveling on public transportation, going out with friends, even while we working we spend too much to check our iPhones, Blackberries, etc and we don't give time to the brain to rest and digest all the information we give "him". The info can not be stored properly in the memory and there is no time to work out solutions or making new individual ideas. Although these gadgets are useful and fun, we forget about the negative side. We just have to make sure that we spend some time in the silence of the nature if possible, or sleep an extra hour in the afternoon. Think about that!
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Hello everybody,
do u know this guy? Antoine Dodson :)) Check him on YouTube! Really cool!
Check out also how the music was made... u'll find it on the net for sure. Excellent stuff:]
Rainy season has started in England. Today I arrived full wet home with the bicycle.
Last week my good old laptop hard drive gave up. Aaaaaand of course I did not have a copy of my files! So I went to the city and bought an other one. Exactly the same model as it was. I wanted to put the disk from the damaged hd into the new, but accidentally I broke the head of the scanner..oops 70 pounds gone in the bin:[ So I bought one more (50 pound only). This time I just installed a new system to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Then I checked Amazon and found the hd even cheaper for 30 pounds.... what can I say? I ordered because I really have to try to save my data. Wish me luck and safe hands!
do u know this guy? Antoine Dodson :)) Check him on YouTube! Really cool!

Rainy season has started in England. Today I arrived full wet home with the bicycle.
Last week my good old laptop hard drive gave up. Aaaaaand of course I did not have a copy of my files! So I went to the city and bought an other one. Exactly the same model as it was. I wanted to put the disk from the damaged hd into the new, but accidentally I broke the head of the scanner..oops 70 pounds gone in the bin:[ So I bought one more (50 pound only). This time I just installed a new system to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Then I checked Amazon and found the hd even cheaper for 30 pounds.... what can I say? I ordered because I really have to try to save my data. Wish me luck and safe hands!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Why is it that whenever I'm about to pay in the supermarket and I choose the cashier, then I stand in the slowest line? The other lines moving faster and something is happening with the one I'm in. This sucks:[ Before I used to think 2x where to line up, but as more smarter I wanted to be and tried to figure out where costumers will finish their payment faster, my line always slowed down when I joined in. WTF? Why like that?
What I do now? Just pick one queue and don't move. The result? No difference:[ Same SH.T...F..K!
What I do now? Just pick one queue and don't move. The result? No difference:[ Same SH.T...F..K!
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Hello again.
It's July 20. 2010. and more then a month ago I wrote the last info about me.
So what's new?
I bought a football to make myself useful on my free time. After 30 min play I realized how good physical condition the professional players must have to accomplish a 90 min game. I am still dead after 10 min:]
Ok. Next. Interesting thingy: Because of many previous tenants, we've got a notice that unless we prove that we pay our bills we will be removed from the flat or our property will be taken away. This is the 3rd time. I really want to "have a little chat" with the people who giving us this pleasant situations. Now I can worry every day that by the time I arrive home from work, I will find my flat empty. Hopefully this will be sorted out once and for all.
Job is the same. Good things and bad things changing all the time. I guess everywhere is the same.
The bike still rolling. Saving me a lot of money for the tube:]
'till next time..
It's July 20. 2010. and more then a month ago I wrote the last info about me.
So what's new?
I bought a football to make myself useful on my free time. After 30 min play I realized how good physical condition the professional players must have to accomplish a 90 min game. I am still dead after 10 min:]
Ok. Next. Interesting thingy: Because of many previous tenants, we've got a notice that unless we prove that we pay our bills we will be removed from the flat or our property will be taken away. This is the 3rd time. I really want to "have a little chat" with the people who giving us this pleasant situations. Now I can worry every day that by the time I arrive home from work, I will find my flat empty. Hopefully this will be sorted out once and for all.
Job is the same. Good things and bad things changing all the time. I guess everywhere is the same.
The bike still rolling. Saving me a lot of money for the tube:]
'till next time..
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Hello people,
sorry I was lazy to post news in June, but here I am again... anybody happy? No? Ok. Good.
So whats going on? FIFA World Cup almost finished. I'm really sorry that the Japanese team lost against Paraguay. They were my favorites. They created really enjoyable games to watch. Maybe next time they will be luckier.
No sorry for the "big teams" like Italy, France, England. They deserved to go home in shame. They couldn't show any nice moments during the matches.
Other things: I still have the job, although I have to remind myself every day to be happy that I got a job. So many things pissing me of during work, but not much to do about it. The problem is that other people don't care, no discipline, no respect, no help to each other. Like this I have to rely on my own, and it is harder to work like this. But whatever! I am the Survivor. Hehe.
Oh yes, we rearranged our flat. Very good now. Thanks to Dewi. Her "crazy" ideas somehow always have their benefits which I don't see first time. Now our home looks very comfy and more organized. It was funny 'cause the owner was here and asked us to check our kitchen because they renovating the flat above ours. Aaaand it was such a huuuuge Gooood! After that we made the changes. Actually we planned it already for that day, but first we went shopping:] Pleasure first:]
News about the Sun. Black spots are disappearing. That means that something going on under the Sun's surface and there won't be so hard sunstorms which affecting Earth's climate. But it will cause warmer summers and colder winters if I'm not mistaken. I read the whole article but I forgot already how exactly it will be. No worries though. The Sun is still ok:]
I'm playing Runes of Magic. If someone plays it and meet Syannil (my character) just ask me for party:] I have good friend too. We always interested in actions.
sorry I was lazy to post news in June, but here I am again... anybody happy? No? Ok. Good.
So whats going on? FIFA World Cup almost finished. I'm really sorry that the Japanese team lost against Paraguay. They were my favorites. They created really enjoyable games to watch. Maybe next time they will be luckier.
No sorry for the "big teams" like Italy, France, England. They deserved to go home in shame. They couldn't show any nice moments during the matches.
Other things: I still have the job, although I have to remind myself every day to be happy that I got a job. So many things pissing me of during work, but not much to do about it. The problem is that other people don't care, no discipline, no respect, no help to each other. Like this I have to rely on my own, and it is harder to work like this. But whatever! I am the Survivor. Hehe.
Oh yes, we rearranged our flat. Very good now. Thanks to Dewi. Her "crazy" ideas somehow always have their benefits which I don't see first time. Now our home looks very comfy and more organized. It was funny 'cause the owner was here and asked us to check our kitchen because they renovating the flat above ours. Aaaand it was such a huuuuge Gooood! After that we made the changes. Actually we planned it already for that day, but first we went shopping:] Pleasure first:]
News about the Sun. Black spots are disappearing. That means that something going on under the Sun's surface and there won't be so hard sunstorms which affecting Earth's climate. But it will cause warmer summers and colder winters if I'm not mistaken. I read the whole article but I forgot already how exactly it will be. No worries though. The Sun is still ok:]
I'm playing Runes of Magic. If someone plays it and meet Syannil (my character) just ask me for party:] I have good friend too. We always interested in actions.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
It is soooooooo beautiful weather in London!! Unbelievable.
Everybody should go outside for at least an hour.

What else? Golden rule for cyclists:
If you don't look ahead on the road - even for a sec - you'll hit a hole for sure:]
Imagine when a person is riding hes/her bike in front of you and half of the butt is out of the pants!
There is only 2 options left. Slow down or speed up to loose them because I'm not interested :]
Everybody should go outside for at least an hour.

What else? Golden rule for cyclists:
If you don't look ahead on the road - even for a sec - you'll hit a hole for sure:]
Imagine when a person is riding hes/her bike in front of you and half of the butt is out of the pants!
There is only 2 options left. Slow down or speed up to loose them because I'm not interested :]
Monday, 17 May 2010
1. Mysterious girl on bicycle: One day when I cycled to work I overtook a girl who was riding her bicycle very slow. I had a quite good speed. 5 min later what do I see in front me? The same girl on the same bike with the same slow speed!!! WTF? How the heck did she make it? There was no way to a shortcut because the road is totally straight. I haven't seen her passing by. No way she did. Mystery.
2. Job is good. My health is good.
3. Everything is good.
2. Job is good. My health is good.
3. Everything is good.
Friday, 7 May 2010
"Nothing's going on right now. All quite down here." MK
MK is a droid from the Star Wars Universe:] If you know the game you know him too.
Really nothing. Weekends are boring without Dewi. Weekdays are pretty fast cause the restaurant is busy. Today was hell. It's just no time to do everything during service. A waiter's job can be really pain in the ass. Do 10 things in the same time.... if you can, if others let you, if you can handle it:[ This business people coming all at the same time btw 12 and 2pm. All of them wants a fast lunch, but nor the kitchen neither us waiters can satisfy all of their desires. Boy, sometimes it's really shit:] Well what can I say? Every job has it's own dark side. By the way dark side: how cool would that be to use the power of the dark side?! It would feel soooooooo good to be able to do something against idiot, unrespectful, selfish muthaf*ckers!
Be cool everybody!
MK is a droid from the Star Wars Universe:] If you know the game you know him too.
Really nothing. Weekends are boring without Dewi. Weekdays are pretty fast cause the restaurant is busy. Today was hell. It's just no time to do everything during service. A waiter's job can be really pain in the ass. Do 10 things in the same time.... if you can, if others let you, if you can handle it:[ This business people coming all at the same time btw 12 and 2pm. All of them wants a fast lunch, but nor the kitchen neither us waiters can satisfy all of their desires. Boy, sometimes it's really shit:] Well what can I say? Every job has it's own dark side. By the way dark side: how cool would that be to use the power of the dark side?! It would feel soooooooo good to be able to do something against idiot, unrespectful, selfish muthaf*ckers!
Be cool everybody!
Friday, 30 April 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
Hi. Today was a shit day.

1. After I left 5 km behind me while cycling to work, a huge f* nail blew up my tire:[
2. I had to walk 5 km and push the bike to Bank Station...took me an hour.
3. I was 45 min late from work.
4. I also found out that I supposed to start at 7am...not 8 as I was told.
5. I had a dejavu and I remember that it was connected to a bad day:[
6. I couldn't sell any special today.
7. After work I walked an other hour with the bike untill I finally found a bike-shop.
8. I had no choice (unless I wanted to walk home 11km) so I ended up with 42 pounds on the bill. can I save the price of travelcard if I have to spend that money on the bicycle?

1. After I left 5 km behind me while cycling to work, a huge f* nail blew up my tire:[
2. I had to walk 5 km and push the bike to Bank Station...took me an hour.
3. I was 45 min late from work.
4. I also found out that I supposed to start at 7am...not 8 as I was told.
5. I had a dejavu and I remember that it was connected to a bad day:[
6. I couldn't sell any special today.
7. After work I walked an other hour with the bike untill I finally found a bike-shop.
8. I had no choice (unless I wanted to walk home 11km) so I ended up with 42 pounds on the bill. can I save the price of travelcard if I have to spend that money on the bicycle?
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Hello. The weekend is almost gone. My friend and his girlfriend visited me on Friday. We made the Chicken Corner happy 'cause we stopped 2 times for food. We didn't do the website (again) because we played and drunk long. The rum and dr pepper made effect slowly. Csabi wanted to show a documentary about people in Laos, how they live... but everybody fell asleep after 5 minutes, so that was it for Friday. Next morning we had breakfast and the plan was to go watch football in the pub, but we were too tired so no game. At least I could talk with Dewi on the skype:] Big surprise: the car they came with was broke up and robbed. Actually 2 pairs of shoes were missing and the sticker for insurance. There was a big hole next to the lock. That's how the car was opened. Anyway, later we went to the city because there were a lot of free exhibitions, concerts, etc. We checked out an Asian culture-house, then went to eat close to Trafalgar Square and after that we listened a concert (Bach-Vivaldi) in the St Martin Church. Everybody got tired from the day, so we went back home, ate chicken wings, wanted to watch movie but fell asleep again:] The rum was an all-day follower. Sometimes in the stomach, sometimes in the head. Never drink Appleton... too strong. So this morning we got up around 10am, had breakfast and that's it. Csabi and his girlfriend went back to Birmingham. Tomorrow work and waiting for next Friday when the weekend starts again:] Take care everybody. Have a good one!
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
All right. Second week on normal service run. Now I see that there are only few things what depending on me regarding to a good customer service. Most of the mistakes coming from our shit system: MICROS. Such a basura program... makes it sometimes very difficult to work. Like yesterday at lunchtime. All the tills fucked up. Today I had to take care of 50 people. We talked about it with my colleague... the sections for one waiter are too big. Receptionists and managers are helping out. Lunch is very busy - and it supposed to be more busy on Thursday and Friday! Shitty things happening every day: food comes out late, running out of wine, 10 min break instead of an hour. Funny... but not forever. 95% of our customers are the english business people. Some of them are really rude and I would just break their neck. Idiots. Whatever... yesterday I bought new tires for the bike. 1/2 inch thinner, easier to go. I also bought a mask. I look like a bandit, but very useful. So lets see how things will develop with this job. Bye for now.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Hello...we started full service in the restaurant. On Thursday was the grand opening. 1200 guest. We could barely move:] We finished around 1:30 am. Next day Happy Friday:] - finished at 2:30 am:[ I did not expect so many people. If it continues like this I think we will make good money. I'm getting good feelings about my job now. It is very hard and challenging to serve so many people, but when it goes smooth then it is fun. Every service shift I learn something new and it makes me more confident. Very good. Lets rest on the weekend and hope that I will have a nice next week. I wish this to all of you.
Dewi is home and she got the internet connected. Now we can see each other every day and talk for hours:] Seems like finally everything got on the right direction:] Thanks God we are okay now.
Will write more soon...
Dewi is home and she got the internet connected. Now we can see each other every day and talk for hours:] Seems like finally everything got on the right direction:] Thanks God we are okay now.
Will write more soon...
Monday, 12 April 2010
Hi, this time I upload a photo about my
bicycle...he-he. Why not? Yesterday I fixed the breaks, the gears, put mudguards and a km counter. It looks pretty good now. Took me almost 2 hrs.
About my new job: today we had the first service. Guests got everything for free. But basically the reason of today was to see what goes good and what needs improvement. Well, lots to do still. But we gettin' there:] And I got 10 pounds tip too:] Tomorrow will be more challenging. But I feel much better after today.

About my new job: today we had the first service. Guests got everything for free. But basically the reason of today was to see what goes good and what needs improvement. Well, lots to do still. But we gettin' there:] And I got 10 pounds tip too:] Tomorrow will be more challenging. But I feel much better after today.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Friday, 9 April 2010
Okay, Dewi is in Jakarta, tomorrow at 12 noon she will be home. Everything went fine with a bit of delay, but thanks God, she is all right. We can talk on skype, internet is slow but working.
I went to work this morning with bicycle. I got lost. The map sucks. But I wasn't late. I need to fix the bike, the gears are not set up nicely. Also the breaks. But it works fine. I want to make it max 30 min to work. Today was 45:[ Tomorrow I try a different way.
The restaurant is almost fully functional. It will be challenging for the first couple weeks. Many things will surprise us - I bet. Today I found no sockets in a private room... could be problem later when guests want to use it. Training goes well but it's more fun then pro:] We had cocktail tasting, food tasting, packing shitload of shit, ... hope I won't have any difficulties when it goes sharp. But the place is first class easy style, cool bar. I like it... Team is mucho class man!
I went to work this morning with bicycle. I got lost. The map sucks. But I wasn't late. I need to fix the bike, the gears are not set up nicely. Also the breaks. But it works fine. I want to make it max 30 min to work. Today was 45:[ Tomorrow I try a different way.
The restaurant is almost fully functional. It will be challenging for the first couple weeks. Many things will surprise us - I bet. Today I found no sockets in a private room... could be problem later when guests want to use it. Training goes well but it's more fun then pro:] We had cocktail tasting, food tasting, packing shitload of shit, ... hope I won't have any difficulties when it goes sharp. But the place is first class easy style, cool bar. I like it... Team is mucho class man!
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Hello... today my lovely Dewike left the UK with this airplane ---> 
So I will be alone for a while:[
We hope that she will get Visa back much easier than before. She was lucky on the airport in Kuwait because she found a free network and we could talk with video on skype. It was good to see she is okay. Otherwise she said that airport sucks... not even a socket to plug in the laptop and the fried chicken is bad. I saw a lot of black ninjas in her webcam too:] After she waited 5 hours for the connection, the flight got delayed until tomorrow morning. Now she is going to a hotel but has only couple hours to sleep. She has to check in at 6:30 for the flight. I hope she will be fine.
Good luck my love, things will be fine:] Love you!
yeah..i love you too guys...if you read my blog and click on the stupid non interesting ads....bleh

So I will be alone for a while:[
We hope that she will get Visa back much easier than before. She was lucky on the airport in Kuwait because she found a free network and we could talk with video on skype. It was good to see she is okay. Otherwise she said that airport sucks... not even a socket to plug in the laptop and the fried chicken is bad. I saw a lot of black ninjas in her webcam too:] After she waited 5 hours for the connection, the flight got delayed until tomorrow morning. Now she is going to a hotel but has only couple hours to sleep. She has to check in at 6:30 for the flight. I hope she will be fine.
Good luck my love, things will be fine:] Love you!
yeah..i love you too guys...if you read my blog and click on the stupid non interesting ads....bleh
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Hello. I have a new job. Started today in a brand new restaurant. The first 2 good things: a/there is a room for the bicycles in the basement, b/weekends are off:] Until 15th of April we going to have trainings. This is very good for my mental, no stress, enough time to prepare. It takes 30 min to get there by tube and the same by bicycle. I couldn't wish a better place for the moment. Thank you God!...again:] I wish the best of luck for everyone who is looking for a job!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Last night I decided to fix my old HP laptop. This was the second attempt. The first time was almost 2 years ago when the hardware problems first occured. What was wrong? Black screen, usb connectors failed to recognized external devices, keyboard wasn't working properly, wireless adapter died... So I sat down, got my screwdriver set and opened up the machine totally. Part by part I separated everything and gathered visual information about the inside of the computer. Well I did not get smarter but I managed to cover the table with shitload of mechanic bits. Then I just put back everything as it was and gave up...temporarily only!!!

Now I asked my parents to send this laptop to me, maybe Dewi can fix it in Indonesia, so she can use it. But my optimistic, 'nevergiveup' ego just got to the surface and made me decide to do a new operation. Before I started I turned it on once again just to see how is it after a long sleep on the attic:] Ooh-lala, screen is fine, I can see everything, what a surprise! BUT: half of the keyboard buttons are dead, can not connect mouse or external hard drive, no internet...
Okay then, let's do this again. But this time with more spirit. I unscrewed and opened everything, separated even more parts than last time. Checked every connections, disconnected - cleaned - reconnected the cables, and at the end I assembled the machine with a great hope. After I powered up the system, Windows loaded. No problem yet. Try the keyboard... everything works. Can't believe it. Connect the mouse... it works. Ho-hooo... connect external hard drive... this is the point where I got disappointed again. "USB Device Not Recognized" message popped up. Well what now? Format the whole hard drive. I made 3 partitions as well. Then I reinstalled Windows XP on drive 'C'. Installed all the up-to-date drivers. Result: everything worked fine, only this usb problems remained. I checked forums, tried to find solution for this but whatever people suggest is just not working for me. I really hope that it is not a hardware failure.
Anyway, if someone want's to know about HP Pavilion dv5000 series laptop... ask me:]

Now I asked my parents to send this laptop to me, maybe Dewi can fix it in Indonesia, so she can use it. But my optimistic, 'nevergiveup' ego just got to the surface and made me decide to do a new operation. Before I started I turned it on once again just to see how is it after a long sleep on the attic:] Ooh-lala, screen is fine, I can see everything, what a surprise! BUT: half of the keyboard buttons are dead, can not connect mouse or external hard drive, no internet...
Okay then, let's do this again. But this time with more spirit. I unscrewed and opened everything, separated even more parts than last time. Checked every connections, disconnected - cleaned - reconnected the cables, and at the end I assembled the machine with a great hope. After I powered up the system, Windows loaded. No problem yet. Try the keyboard... everything works. Can't believe it. Connect the mouse... it works. Ho-hooo... connect external hard drive... this is the point where I got disappointed again. "USB Device Not Recognized" message popped up. Well what now? Format the whole hard drive. I made 3 partitions as well. Then I reinstalled Windows XP on drive 'C'. Installed all the up-to-date drivers. Result: everything worked fine, only this usb problems remained. I checked forums, tried to find solution for this but whatever people suggest is just not working for me. I really hope that it is not a hardware failure.
Anyway, if someone want's to know about HP Pavilion dv5000 series laptop... ask me:]
Monday, 29 March 2010
I went to buy bread. I stood in front of the place full of different sort of breads. It took me about 5 minutes 'till I could finally choose which one I prefer the most. For me would be much easier if there would be only 2 kind of bread. Then I could choose in a second:[
Then I was looking for chips (in UK: crisps). Same story. As more there are to choose from, as more difficult and takes an hour to figure out what to buy. Instead of a quick shopping I spend half day in the supermarket, just because I think that it will be cheaper to buy stuff there. But I actually loose more with that. I loose my patience, my good mood and my time. And I also loose more money at the end because I'm soo pissed that I will just buy whatever I find as a better quality.
So much for shopping in the 21st century...and me.
Then I was looking for chips (in UK: crisps). Same story. As more there are to choose from, as more difficult and takes an hour to figure out what to buy. Instead of a quick shopping I spend half day in the supermarket, just because I think that it will be cheaper to buy stuff there. But I actually loose more with that. I loose my patience, my good mood and my time. And I also loose more money at the end because I'm soo pissed that I will just buy whatever I find as a better quality.
So much for shopping in the 21st century...and me.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
It is easier to write in blog what is happening, than to write e-mails or chat. This way you people just click on the bookmarked (not yet?!) page and start reading for a minute. And there you go... know everything about me what is necessary.
So today I've been on a trial and it was pretty good. They are ready to take me for their new restaurant. But I will get the answer from the other place tomorrow as well, and if they also say 'yes', then I will probably work for them because they are closer and I could save money on traveling.... who knows maybe I could get there by bike? And weekends are off:] And free membership to the gym:] And keep dreamin'....;]
By the way two days long I got sore muscles in my legs and pain day and night.... so much for cycling 4 hours without training.
Tomorrow I will start workin' again and make coffees for a week or so. Hopefully the last time! I really need a permanent job to get rid of the stress from all the trials and interviews. I'm sick of it already. What I want now is a job with as much confidence and experience I could have. I want to work nice and smooth, quick and without being bored. I want to enjoy what I'm doing. I want to feel solid ground under my feet... safety for this damned money.
I wonder what other people think about this:
- some sort of humans like to eat smelly food on public transportation.
- the same kind of humans used to talk to their self in public almost laud.
- some other sort of humans smell really bad (sweat), even if they sell parfume.
- the same kind of humans often walk-and-talk on the phone using only microphone and headset and they look like idiots talking on the street in the air.
I find these things rather disturbing. Am I the only one? I think an intelligent person shouldn't do like that.
So today I've been on a trial and it was pretty good. They are ready to take me for their new restaurant. But I will get the answer from the other place tomorrow as well, and if they also say 'yes', then I will probably work for them because they are closer and I could save money on traveling.... who knows maybe I could get there by bike? And weekends are off:] And free membership to the gym:] And keep dreamin'....;]
By the way two days long I got sore muscles in my legs and pain day and night.... so much for cycling 4 hours without training.
Tomorrow I will start workin' again and make coffees for a week or so. Hopefully the last time! I really need a permanent job to get rid of the stress from all the trials and interviews. I'm sick of it already. What I want now is a job with as much confidence and experience I could have. I want to work nice and smooth, quick and without being bored. I want to enjoy what I'm doing. I want to feel solid ground under my feet... safety for this damned money.
I wonder what other people think about this:
- some sort of humans like to eat smelly food on public transportation.
- the same kind of humans used to talk to their self in public almost laud.
- some other sort of humans smell really bad (sweat), even if they sell parfume.
- the same kind of humans often walk-and-talk on the phone using only microphone and headset and they look like idiots talking on the street in the air.
I find these things rather disturbing. Am I the only one? I think an intelligent person shouldn't do like that.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Yesterday I had my first cycling experience in London. What I was thinking after that is: London was made for cyclists. Except when it rains:] I spent 4 hours on my bicycle ... I still feel sore muscles in my legs ... I took a long way from Leyton to Shepherd Bush, and back again on a different way. Don't know how many km that was??? I think I even lost 2 kilos. But it was nice and the weather was on my side too.
I am still considering if I could make it with bicycle to go to work, or should I stay by public transportation. It all depends where my next job will be:[ My working-status is still hanging in the air. I just came from an interview, but I don't like the place. And it's also too far. Tomorrow I will have another trial and if they say I can work for them, then probably I will chose them. But only if they put me in their new restaurant, which would be close enough to get there on bicycle. Let's see. Too bad I did not get any invitation from the bowling club:[ I would really enjoy to work in that kind of environment. Well, something will happen sooner or later.
The printer is out of black ink. I need new cartridge otherwise I cannot print my CV's. I really hate to print CV's. When will I print something which makes sense? Oh boy!
I am still considering if I could make it with bicycle to go to work, or should I stay by public transportation. It all depends where my next job will be:[ My working-status is still hanging in the air. I just came from an interview, but I don't like the place. And it's also too far. Tomorrow I will have another trial and if they say I can work for them, then probably I will chose them. But only if they put me in their new restaurant, which would be close enough to get there on bicycle. Let's see. Too bad I did not get any invitation from the bowling club:[ I would really enjoy to work in that kind of environment. Well, something will happen sooner or later.
The printer is out of black ink. I need new cartridge otherwise I cannot print my CV's. I really hate to print CV's. When will I print something which makes sense? Oh boy!
Saturday, 20 March 2010

An old Yugoslavian TV series from 1980. One of my favorite. It is so funny, that even the newest comedies could learn from it. The main character is Surda (Borivoje Surdilovic), but also his friend Bob, and his family gives so much to laugh about that without them it wouldn't be the same. It's just a great time to watch such an entertaining film, and if you have a chance to download or buy it on DVD, you won't regret it. I guarantee.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Whoever is reading my blogs, it is really a great feeling to know that somebody out there cares.
Well... maybe doesn't care too much, but at least has a look at my writings. Whoever you people are, thank you guys!
Anyway, I just celebrated my 33rd Birthday yesterday and since I can not sleep, I would like to live with the opportunity to tell everyone that my luck - even though slowly, but - is coming back.
My weight is 86 kg, my height 1.8 m. And I did not do my promised exercises in the last month. So much for my motivation.
I keep looking for job, I do trialshifts in restaurants and I keep waiting for their answers. Next week I will go back to the coffee-shop to make some money... and some coffee:[ What can I do? No other choice. But if I could make it by bicycle, at least I will save money on the underground:] Nice eh? Here in London it is a bit risky. Lots of thiefs, can not keep anything safe. If something happens to my bike and I catch the thief, he will take me home on his back! Together with my bike.
Keep reading me.
Whoever is reading my blogs, it is really a great feeling to know that somebody out there cares.
Well... maybe doesn't care too much, but at least has a look at my writings. Whoever you people are, thank you guys!
Anyway, I just celebrated my 33rd Birthday yesterday and since I can not sleep, I would like to live with the opportunity to tell everyone that my luck - even though slowly, but - is coming back.
My weight is 86 kg, my height 1.8 m. And I did not do my promised exercises in the last month. So much for my motivation.
I keep looking for job, I do trialshifts in restaurants and I keep waiting for their answers. Next week I will go back to the coffee-shop to make some money... and some coffee:[ What can I do? No other choice. But if I could make it by bicycle, at least I will save money on the underground:] Nice eh? Here in London it is a bit risky. Lots of thiefs, can not keep anything safe. If something happens to my bike and I catch the thief, he will take me home on his back! Together with my bike.
Keep reading me.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Hello people!
Something is wrong with my luck:] Things just not want to work out in the last couple months...
But heads up... or how is it? Chin up! Nothing last forever:] Even I had a month long job and a chance to learn how to make espresso based coffees, now I am back where I started this year: Looking for job again and getting the answers that it is not too busy right now:[ For some reason I just can not think positive... wonder why? Ha-ha! WRS form is not coming... just when I need it the most. Looks like Home Office doesn't like me at all. Now Dewi has to go back to Indonesia and we have no chance to do anything against it. Bureaucracy. Makes things go slower or even stops them. Money + Politics + Bureaucracy = NOT GOOD = BAD. Okay something else: I finished Dragon Age Origins... was a long game but excellent. I go check my spinach. It's still green. How is this? Doesn't matter how full I am after eating, I still don't feel good until I got some dessert? Chocolate, fruit or anything sweet. I think I got used to it home-home in my younger years. Oh yes...I haven't done any exercises since 3 weeks. Now I have to do push-ups and sit-ups every hour for I don't know how many days! Boy, it will be fun and sore muscles.
That's it for now. If you want to know more details, ask me!
Don't be shy:]
Something is wrong with my luck:] Things just not want to work out in the last couple months...
But heads up... or how is it? Chin up! Nothing last forever:] Even I had a month long job and a chance to learn how to make espresso based coffees, now I am back where I started this year: Looking for job again and getting the answers that it is not too busy right now:[ For some reason I just can not think positive... wonder why? Ha-ha! WRS form is not coming... just when I need it the most. Looks like Home Office doesn't like me at all. Now Dewi has to go back to Indonesia and we have no chance to do anything against it. Bureaucracy. Makes things go slower or even stops them. Money + Politics + Bureaucracy = NOT GOOD = BAD. Okay something else: I finished Dragon Age Origins... was a long game but excellent. I go check my spinach. It's still green. How is this? Doesn't matter how full I am after eating, I still don't feel good until I got some dessert? Chocolate, fruit or anything sweet. I think I got used to it home-home in my younger years. Oh yes...I haven't done any exercises since 3 weeks. Now I have to do push-ups and sit-ups every hour for I don't know how many days! Boy, it will be fun and sore muscles.
That's it for now. If you want to know more details, ask me!
Don't be shy:]
Monday, 8 March 2010
I go to buy some food in the supermarket and I face hundreds of mothers pushing their babies in the stroller. Blocking my way, holding me up, stopping in the middle of everything... Man, I feel like in a kinder garden. Then the old people, doing the same stuff, just without the children. Or some full member families... OMG! Why they have to go there when normal people want to make their quick shopping?
I'm sitting in the tube, some stinky person (mostly men) comes and sits next to me, legs wide open, touching my legs...why? I don't like to be touched by strangers! Why do they like it? I have my personal aura and some people (from some culture) just don't feel when they break through! I try to pull my legs away and still they keep closing towards me. It really pisses me of!
It's Friday. I finish work at 4pm. I really want to get home, so happy for the weekend! I should bring my timesheet to the job-agency, but it would take an hour extra time for me. If they don't get it until Monday I won't get my salary. I'm tired, so I decide to go there on Sunday. Sunday comes. I'm in the bad mood already because it will take 3 hours for me to get there and back. Only traveling, nothing useful. Okay, 65 min later I'm there, tossing the paper under the door. 5-6 other timesheets lying inside already. I go back to the station. The tube is late. More and more people gathering. I still hope that I can sit 'cause it will take me an hour to get home. Tube is finally here. I find an empty seat. Next stop more people coming in. 2 drunk bastards standing in front of me, joking with some american chicks. Stepping on my feet, smelling like beer and dirt and armpit. And they won't get off for the next 10 stops. Great!
It is 4 weeks that I'm waiting for my worker registration form. It is critical for us to get it in time. It's not even the first so it should take less time for the authorities to deal with it. Just renewing the old one. But no, takes longer than the original was. I'm trying to call the solicitor when my new mobile gives up. Battery dies. Crazy! I regret 1000 times that I bought this sh*t Nokia 1680. Menu is slow, display is just a peace of crap, and on top of all (it goes for all Nokia phones) whenever I take out the battery to change the SIM card, the phone forgets the time and date. It's sooooo annoying. So I get home. Check post - no mail...again. Only a delivery message, that the postman left a package for us by the neighbors. They are not home... great! Okay, I call the solicitor. He is not there... I call back 3 more times every 15 minutes. Still not there. In the meantime I check my emails. Got an email from him (Respect!), but bad news: Home Office does not take any calls until Wednesday.... OMG why now? Why us? The last weeks are passing by with hope and disappointments. It's not fair. We are good people. We don't deserve this.
I'm sitting in the tube, some stinky person (mostly men) comes and sits next to me, legs wide open, touching my legs...why? I don't like to be touched by strangers! Why do they like it? I have my personal aura and some people (from some culture) just don't feel when they break through! I try to pull my legs away and still they keep closing towards me. It really pisses me of!
It's Friday. I finish work at 4pm. I really want to get home, so happy for the weekend! I should bring my timesheet to the job-agency, but it would take an hour extra time for me. If they don't get it until Monday I won't get my salary. I'm tired, so I decide to go there on Sunday. Sunday comes. I'm in the bad mood already because it will take 3 hours for me to get there and back. Only traveling, nothing useful. Okay, 65 min later I'm there, tossing the paper under the door. 5-6 other timesheets lying inside already. I go back to the station. The tube is late. More and more people gathering. I still hope that I can sit 'cause it will take me an hour to get home. Tube is finally here. I find an empty seat. Next stop more people coming in. 2 drunk bastards standing in front of me, joking with some american chicks. Stepping on my feet, smelling like beer and dirt and armpit. And they won't get off for the next 10 stops. Great!
It is 4 weeks that I'm waiting for my worker registration form. It is critical for us to get it in time. It's not even the first so it should take less time for the authorities to deal with it. Just renewing the old one. But no, takes longer than the original was. I'm trying to call the solicitor when my new mobile gives up. Battery dies. Crazy! I regret 1000 times that I bought this sh*t Nokia 1680. Menu is slow, display is just a peace of crap, and on top of all (it goes for all Nokia phones) whenever I take out the battery to change the SIM card, the phone forgets the time and date. It's sooooo annoying. So I get home. Check post - no mail...again. Only a delivery message, that the postman left a package for us by the neighbors. They are not home... great! Okay, I call the solicitor. He is not there... I call back 3 more times every 15 minutes. Still not there. In the meantime I check my emails. Got an email from him (Respect!), but bad news: Home Office does not take any calls until Wednesday.... OMG why now? Why us? The last weeks are passing by with hope and disappointments. It's not fair. We are good people. We don't deserve this.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
This story is about my mobile phone: Mr Nokia 1208 and the others.
This is my 2nd phone... very good, has a flashlight, and no annoying smart-functions:] Last Thursday I dropped it in the water. Seemed like nothing is wrong, it was working normally. All until next morning, when I saw that it shows the icon of the headset. So I switched it off but couldn't turn on again. My colleagues told me to dry it on top of the coffee-machine. So I did that. Then I tried couple times and wasn't working.
That afternoon I bought another Nokia.. 1680. This was the cheapest. I did not wanted to spend more than 35 pounds and there was not to many choices. It has camera and can connect to the internet. But other than that no good. The more simple is better.
My first mobile phone was a Philips Genie. I found it on a bench in my university-town. It belonged to an Italian soldier. I think. Because the language was set to Italian and that time we had lot of IFOR soldiers in Hungary. That phone was very very good. I still have it but too bad it's not working perfectly now. That time (1998) it already had voice command option.
And today (Saturday) my little 1208 Nokia started working again. Resurrection. Now I have 2 phones.
End of story.
This is my 2nd phone... very good, has a flashlight, and no annoying smart-functions:] Last Thursday I dropped it in the water. Seemed like nothing is wrong, it was working normally. All until next morning, when I saw that it shows the icon of the headset. So I switched it off but couldn't turn on again. My colleagues told me to dry it on top of the coffee-machine. So I did that. Then I tried couple times and wasn't working.
That afternoon I bought another Nokia.. 1680. This was the cheapest. I did not wanted to spend more than 35 pounds and there was not to many choices. It has camera and can connect to the internet. But other than that no good. The more simple is better.
My first mobile phone was a Philips Genie. I found it on a bench in my university-town. It belonged to an Italian soldier. I think. Because the language was set to Italian and that time we had lot of IFOR soldiers in Hungary. That phone was very very good. I still have it but too bad it's not working perfectly now. That time (1998) it already had voice command option.
And today (Saturday) my little 1208 Nokia started working again. Resurrection. Now I have 2 phones.
End of story.
Hi Everybody, how are you today? Things going well? Good.
I had to extend my contract with the "coffee-shop" which means I will work for them 1 or 2 more weeks. Why is that? Well, the river-cruise-ship job sucks as it is. The interwiev/training thing was a peace of crap, huge disappointment. After that I just regretted I ever registered with a job agency.
My colleagues are very nice people and it is fun to work with'em, but I don't like the job:[ Standing behind the till and selling sandwiches, coffee and stuff - even washing the dishes in the kitchen is more fun:] Thinking about the situation, I say this is the better way. Better than when you do something you like but the colleagues are real pain in the ass and make the job like hell. So I am happy for now, and I can make some money too. Even though I found out that the agency got paid after me almost double comparing to what they pay me. Whatever, it won't take forever:]
We are still waiting and hoping that next week my WRS form will arrive. If not, then we have to go to court and we really don't want that. If yes, then we could straight apply for new VISA for Dewi and wouldn't have to go chit-chat with the judge. So pray for us people!
I'm also waiting for responses from other restaurants, but they just keep me waiting. I wish I could start working on a nice place, making good money, starting the IT course and then get a real job I could base my career on. This happening pretty slow... oh boy!
The weather is getting better. Time to time we see some sunshine which loads some extra energy to our body and soul. Sometimes it would be nice to go out but here in London transportation takes lot of time (there and back) and makes me loosing my mood for the outside activity. Today we will make pancakes and listen hip-hop:] He-he.
Okay, bye for now.
I had to extend my contract with the "coffee-shop" which means I will work for them 1 or 2 more weeks. Why is that? Well, the river-cruise-ship job sucks as it is. The interwiev/training thing was a peace of crap, huge disappointment. After that I just regretted I ever registered with a job agency.
My colleagues are very nice people and it is fun to work with'em, but I don't like the job:[ Standing behind the till and selling sandwiches, coffee and stuff - even washing the dishes in the kitchen is more fun:] Thinking about the situation, I say this is the better way. Better than when you do something you like but the colleagues are real pain in the ass and make the job like hell. So I am happy for now, and I can make some money too. Even though I found out that the agency got paid after me almost double comparing to what they pay me. Whatever, it won't take forever:]
We are still waiting and hoping that next week my WRS form will arrive. If not, then we have to go to court and we really don't want that. If yes, then we could straight apply for new VISA for Dewi and wouldn't have to go chit-chat with the judge. So pray for us people!
I'm also waiting for responses from other restaurants, but they just keep me waiting. I wish I could start working on a nice place, making good money, starting the IT course and then get a real job I could base my career on. This happening pretty slow... oh boy!
The weather is getting better. Time to time we see some sunshine which loads some extra energy to our body and soul. Sometimes it would be nice to go out but here in London transportation takes lot of time (there and back) and makes me loosing my mood for the outside activity. Today we will make pancakes and listen hip-hop:] He-he.
Okay, bye for now.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
So how is it now? It is kind of slow, regular and flat. Like British weather:) That's how it is.
After a month of unsuccessful jobsearch, I decided to register with a catering agency:(
The good thing in it: they got me a job straight for whole February. I'm lucky to be working with a small friendly team. After that, I'm going to be a waiter on a river-cruise ship. Since I have 3 years experience on real big ocean cruisers, this shouldn't be a problem at all. Can't wait until the end of this month. If it turns out that I don't really like it, I'll just quit and I'm pretty sure it won't be too hard to find a new job when the season starts. The funny thing is, that after I got this coffee-job I keep receiving phonecalls for job interviews from really nice and quality restaurants. How ironic!
My daily exercise program is starting to give me results. I feel fitter and stronger. And I do it every morning and evening. It is another thing that my lovely wife still cannot find my "shy-muscles" under my fat:) But she knows that it's almost at the surface... not so shy anymore!
Our fox friends are back. Not as healthy as ever though... they lost half of their fur, but still surviving here in the city. City-foxes. No chicken, just digging in the trash, I guess. Similar racoons.
Today we officially pronounced Rosy as our family member. Rosy is our pot-rose. Very very faithful to us since we are in the UK. Our motto for her is "Always dry but never die." Same like our love. Need water sometimes. So for this occasion here is a photo of our friend.... and tomorrow is Valentine's Day. She's got new soil and some fresh water. Now everybody's happy:)
After a month of unsuccessful jobsearch, I decided to register with a catering agency:(
The good thing in it: they got me a job straight for whole February. I'm lucky to be working with a small friendly team. After that, I'm going to be a waiter on a river-cruise ship. Since I have 3 years experience on real big ocean cruisers, this shouldn't be a problem at all. Can't wait until the end of this month. If it turns out that I don't really like it, I'll just quit and I'm pretty sure it won't be too hard to find a new job when the season starts. The funny thing is, that after I got this coffee-job I keep receiving phonecalls for job interviews from really nice and quality restaurants. How ironic!
My daily exercise program is starting to give me results. I feel fitter and stronger. And I do it every morning and evening. It is another thing that my lovely wife still cannot find my "shy-muscles" under my fat:) But she knows that it's almost at the surface... not so shy anymore!
Our fox friends are back. Not as healthy as ever though... they lost half of their fur, but still surviving here in the city. City-foxes. No chicken, just digging in the trash, I guess. Similar racoons.

Thursday, 4 February 2010
Hey folks!
Last night I just posted a blog about positive thinking! Guess what happened next morning?
Well here's the story which is a good example why is it so hard to stay positive:
We woke up at 5 AM as usual. I used to walk Dewi to the underground station this time. When we exited the front door we saw a big mess of trash on the walkway just beside the bins. It came from a weak black garbage bag which was torn apart probably by foxes. Seems like our new neighbor was too lazy to lift it a meter higher to bin it so he/she just left it on the ground. I told Dewi when I get back I'm going to put it in the bin otherwise the rubbish will be all over the place. She said if I do that then this people will never learn. And I said if I don't do that no one will and we will step on it and bring it inside our room. So when I got back I opened a bin and put the ripped bag into it... and I stepped in the shit. Well at 5:30 AM it is still dark and the 'thing' lay in a shadow of the bin. I couldn't see it. So what can I say? Did I really deserve this? I wasn't even mad at this people. I have no idea where are they from but since they live in this house everything is dirty, not like before. How I know it was their garbage? Because the baby diaper was out of the bag and only they have a baby here.
Good morning! Have a great day!
Last night I just posted a blog about positive thinking! Guess what happened next morning?
Well here's the story which is a good example why is it so hard to stay positive:
We woke up at 5 AM as usual. I used to walk Dewi to the underground station this time. When we exited the front door we saw a big mess of trash on the walkway just beside the bins. It came from a weak black garbage bag which was torn apart probably by foxes. Seems like our new neighbor was too lazy to lift it a meter higher to bin it so he/she just left it on the ground. I told Dewi when I get back I'm going to put it in the bin otherwise the rubbish will be all over the place. She said if I do that then this people will never learn. And I said if I don't do that no one will and we will step on it and bring it inside our room. So when I got back I opened a bin and put the ripped bag into it... and I stepped in the shit. Well at 5:30 AM it is still dark and the 'thing' lay in a shadow of the bin. I couldn't see it. So what can I say? Did I really deserve this? I wasn't even mad at this people. I have no idea where are they from but since they live in this house everything is dirty, not like before. How I know it was their garbage? Because the baby diaper was out of the bag and only they have a baby here.
Good morning! Have a great day!

Believe that you have the power to change things. Believe that everything is possible. Believe in yourself.
Every thought has a power, an invisible energy. It is important to make this energy work for good. So think positive! You have to be passionate by thinking about good things. You have to feel positive. Imagine the outcome, how you would feel when your wish comes true. By doing this you will have the passion and this positive feeling will give power to your thoughts.
How can you know if you really feel passionate and positive? Your skin starts prickle and tingle all over your body. It’s a nice feeling and it makes you stronger in belief. It’s like an energy explosion from inside of you.
Visualize, imagine the situation you wish to be in. As a result you will smile because it makes you feel good.
Focus on things you want if you want them to happen to you! Only then they will.
Finish what you have started. It is not easy. It requires a strong will, endurance and patience.
Concentrate on things you are doing. Don’t let your mind dissolve.
Take your chances. There are offers in life which may seem useless but those decisions will get you closer to your goal. If you hesitate or doubt, you will have to wait until life gives you another chance. You must be brave to face what awaits you.
Learn to notice the coincidences and accidents. Those are the small steps on your way straight ahead.
'All that we are is the result of what we have thought.' Buddha
Be grateful for what you already have. Millions haven’t got half of it.
Be the master – the ruler – of yourself! Why? Because it is important to overcome your weaknesses and selfish desires.
Laugh every day as much as you can. Watch funny movies. That will help.
Why so many people thinking negative? Because they focus on things what they don’t want. What makes them focus on those things? The media is one of it. It shows too many bad things.
Monday, 1 February 2010
I became 12000 days old on 25. January 2010........Yessss!!!
Today I am 12000 and 7 days old:]
I forgot to I have to wait another 993 days for the next momentous birthday:[
Today I am 12000 and 7 days old:]
I forgot to I have to wait another 993 days for the next momentous birthday:[
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Hi. I tried to upload an animated gif image about my 'body-development', but Blogger does not support it. Why's that? This is something very important. Now I can not show you guys (all 3 of you who visited once my site) how the exercises working for me.
Actually there are ways to make Blogger show the animation but why would I want to do that? It should be a simple task for a website! I have reached 31 push ups and sit ups which means I will double my efforts and I'm gonna stay by '30' in the morning and start from '11' in the evening. When I reach '30' in the evening I will hold on by this number, so every day I will make 60 push ups and 60 sit ups. I will go on with this until I feel comfortable to raise the numbers to 40-40. This is the plan.
Every 20 days there's going to be a new photo of me, but I really prefer an animated image so if Blogger Team won't change anything about this technical issue I have to choose the uncomfortable way to upload it:[ But at least we can see my 'muscle-evolution', right?
Remember, this whole exercise thing is not because I want to show my hairy chest to the world... it is for my own motivation. Without this I would be too lazy to take care of my physics:]
Ordinary Day 'cause I'm sitting on my butt in our rented flat, cook something new and hope that I will get a phone call from an employer with a job offer. In the last 3 days I gave my CV's to at least 30 restaurants. Only 1 would hire me right now (January is low season) but I still hope that I can find a better place.
Running out of money soon. I don't heat the room, so it's cold. Trying to keep the costs low. Kinda boring, but I have no more mood to walk in the city again looking for a job. If nothing comes up I will take the only offer I've got:['s time to cool down the potatoes.
Actually there are ways to make Blogger show the animation but why would I want to do that? It should be a simple task for a website! I have reached 31 push ups and sit ups which means I will double my efforts and I'm gonna stay by '30' in the morning and start from '11' in the evening. When I reach '30' in the evening I will hold on by this number, so every day I will make 60 push ups and 60 sit ups. I will go on with this until I feel comfortable to raise the numbers to 40-40. This is the plan.
Every 20 days there's going to be a new photo of me, but I really prefer an animated image so if Blogger Team won't change anything about this technical issue I have to choose the uncomfortable way to upload it:[ But at least we can see my 'muscle-evolution', right?
Remember, this whole exercise thing is not because I want to show my hairy chest to the world... it is for my own motivation. Without this I would be too lazy to take care of my physics:]
Ordinary Day 'cause I'm sitting on my butt in our rented flat, cook something new and hope that I will get a phone call from an employer with a job offer. In the last 3 days I gave my CV's to at least 30 restaurants. Only 1 would hire me right now (January is low season) but I still hope that I can find a better place.
Running out of money soon. I don't heat the room, so it's cold. Trying to keep the costs low. Kinda boring, but I have no more mood to walk in the city again looking for a job. If nothing comes up I will take the only offer I've got:['s time to cool down the potatoes.
Friday, 22 January 2010
I skipped couple days with the exercises. Today I have to catch up, which means I must make 112 more push ups and sit ups. So much for keeping myself on schedule.
I found a new job in a restaurant but I'm not sure I want to do this kinda work any longer. Whenever I think of it my stomach says NO! I've got enough of the stress from the hospitality industry. Seriously, I mean I worked in a Travel Agency 5 long summers, had 4 long contracts on a cruise ship (that's 3 years), and now already 1 year serving food and drinks. Too bad I only have experience in this shit.
The best jobs I ever had was being a handyman in american camps. Nothing else but FUN. Fixing broken stuff, cleaning up old buildings, making new facilities, lawn mowing, gardening, painting, etc. And all this with an excellent team, with good friends. I miss that time.
I've got some plans shaping in my head. I hope I can make them come true. I want to sign up for a course to learn about networking and other computer stuff so I could find a job later. I had an interview with a man about this and in 2 years I can bring up my skills to professional level which is pretty good money. By the way I hate this money-money-money thing. Without money there is almost no chance to survive in our world, unless I am a monk without family and live alone in the mountains circulating the energy of the universe.
Bullshit! Time to get back to take care of my muscles:]
I found a new job in a restaurant but I'm not sure I want to do this kinda work any longer. Whenever I think of it my stomach says NO! I've got enough of the stress from the hospitality industry. Seriously, I mean I worked in a Travel Agency 5 long summers, had 4 long contracts on a cruise ship (that's 3 years), and now already 1 year serving food and drinks. Too bad I only have experience in this shit.
The best jobs I ever had was being a handyman in american camps. Nothing else but FUN. Fixing broken stuff, cleaning up old buildings, making new facilities, lawn mowing, gardening, painting, etc. And all this with an excellent team, with good friends. I miss that time.
I've got some plans shaping in my head. I hope I can make them come true. I want to sign up for a course to learn about networking and other computer stuff so I could find a job later. I had an interview with a man about this and in 2 years I can bring up my skills to professional level which is pretty good money. By the way I hate this money-money-money thing. Without money there is almost no chance to survive in our world, unless I am a monk without family and live alone in the mountains circulating the energy of the universe.
Bullshit! Time to get back to take care of my muscles:]
Friday, 8 January 2010
Hi Everyone! How are you today?
I couldn't think of any good title for this blog so forgive me. Just read it.
I was so sleepy that I didn't have a willpower to get up and walk Dewi to the tubestation. I woke up later around 12pm. But I had a good
- dream. It is not connected to things what recently going on so I can say that it is a good dream. Good doesn't mean funny, nice or pleasant. It means that it is something new, spontaneous, not expected. In the dream I found out that I supposed to make a school-examination in the next day. What now? One of the teacher from my University (which I finished 6 years ago) told me not to forget about it. After that I went to the post office to send the application fee for the exam when my mobile rang. It was her and she asked me to write a demo first, regarding to an essay which I should have given to her long before. But because I do not visit classes anymore (like many of my fellow classmates) both of us forgot about. It was already late and I had the night to make couple pages just as an example which would prove that I am prepared for tomorrow. She also told me that one of my friend will lead the exam. Then I went home to my parents to have dinner. We were in the old house where I grew up and lived until 2005. We were sitting in the dining room and who came down from upstairs? The guy who supposed to lead the exam. Ha-ha-ha! Ol' pal, how you doin'? He made sure I have nothing to worry about, tomorrow we gonna have only a little conversation, nothing serious. So I opened a bottle white wine and grabbed 3 wineglasses from the cupboard. I even asked my parents why we have so many wineglasses and all of them in different sizes and shapes?
That was the dream. Can not say anything about it really.
- last night I finally finished Gothic 3. Thank God! This game really made me addicted and was my priority to finish. I have to admit I enjoyed it but it was soooooo long. Now I can concentrate on other things which are actually important too. Hope I won't start a new game.
- aaaand after so many years I did it!
I made some exercises this morning... at 12pm:] 11 push-ups and 11 sit-ups with some stretching! Well done, Viktor! It's a good start. Thinking of that in my younger years I always did some kind of sport, it is unbelievable that I did nothing in the last 3 years. I start feeling that I'm getting rusty. I have to do something about it. Don't want to have problems later with my body. I need my muscles back and my flexibility. Endurance and mental strenght... willpower. I have to fully concentrate on things I'm doing and I have to finish everything I start. Have to, have to, have to... It is not the first time that I promise this to myself. Maybe now that I'm writing to the public, it will force me to keep my promise. Let's see together! If I don't change, then you guys can suggest a punishment for me. (And I still have the right to decide if I go through it or not. Ha-ha!) Whatever! Many people will not read this anyway. One thing for my own motivation: Here's a picture how I look now. Don't fall in love!
- so, my tea got cold in the meantime.
I couldn't think of any good title for this blog so forgive me. Just read it.
I was so sleepy that I didn't have a willpower to get up and walk Dewi to the tubestation. I woke up later around 12pm. But I had a good
- dream. It is not connected to things what recently going on so I can say that it is a good dream. Good doesn't mean funny, nice or pleasant. It means that it is something new, spontaneous, not expected. In the dream I found out that I supposed to make a school-examination in the next day. What now? One of the teacher from my University (which I finished 6 years ago) told me not to forget about it. After that I went to the post office to send the application fee for the exam when my mobile rang. It was her and she asked me to write a demo first, regarding to an essay which I should have given to her long before. But because I do not visit classes anymore (like many of my fellow classmates) both of us forgot about. It was already late and I had the night to make couple pages just as an example which would prove that I am prepared for tomorrow. She also told me that one of my friend will lead the exam. Then I went home to my parents to have dinner. We were in the old house where I grew up and lived until 2005. We were sitting in the dining room and who came down from upstairs? The guy who supposed to lead the exam. Ha-ha-ha! Ol' pal, how you doin'? He made sure I have nothing to worry about, tomorrow we gonna have only a little conversation, nothing serious. So I opened a bottle white wine and grabbed 3 wineglasses from the cupboard. I even asked my parents why we have so many wineglasses and all of them in different sizes and shapes?
That was the dream. Can not say anything about it really.
- last night I finally finished Gothic 3. Thank God! This game really made me addicted and was my priority to finish. I have to admit I enjoyed it but it was soooooo long. Now I can concentrate on other things which are actually important too. Hope I won't start a new game.
- aaaand after so many years I did it!

- so, my tea got cold in the meantime.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Recently I learned couple things how to cure hangover. But the truth is that there is nothing really what helps. Not yet. The best what we can do is sleep and drink lots of water.
- more alcohol: some say if we drink more alcohol next morning it will help. It will certainly relax us, but don't get used to it: it could lead to alcohol addiction. Nevertheless it just gives more job for the liver to fight more toxins. Alcohol causes dehydration, so better know the limit.
- big breakfast: egg is good because it helps the liver to dissolve alcohol. Banana and kiwi helps with potassium. Fruit juice is not a big help, it's good only against dehydration.
- overburned toast: it's not helping, because only the active coal can filter the alcohol, and the two are not the same at all:]
- pills for headache: do not take those, especially not the ones which contain paracetamol. Those just give more work for the liver. Aspirin might help with lots of water but if somebody is allergic to aspirin, it could be very dangerous (causes bleeding in stomach).
- coffee: makes us awake..but only temporary. Caffeine makes the veins narrow so it will reduce headache, but it also causes dehydration and after the effect is gone we will feel more exhausted then before:]
- energy drinks: if we mix alcohol with energy drinks then we won't feel that drunk. We think we are not drunk. But it is only a symptom. We misjudge our own capability for concentration and coordination. Very dangerous.
Hope this helped!
- more alcohol: some say if we drink more alcohol next morning it will help. It will certainly relax us, but don't get used to it: it could lead to alcohol addiction. Nevertheless it just gives more job for the liver to fight more toxins. Alcohol causes dehydration, so better know the limit.
- big breakfast: egg is good because it helps the liver to dissolve alcohol. Banana and kiwi helps with potassium. Fruit juice is not a big help, it's good only against dehydration.
- overburned toast: it's not helping, because only the active coal can filter the alcohol, and the two are not the same at all:]
- pills for headache: do not take those, especially not the ones which contain paracetamol. Those just give more work for the liver. Aspirin might help with lots of water but if somebody is allergic to aspirin, it could be very dangerous (causes bleeding in stomach).
- coffee: makes us awake..but only temporary. Caffeine makes the veins narrow so it will reduce headache, but it also causes dehydration and after the effect is gone we will feel more exhausted then before:]
- energy drinks: if we mix alcohol with energy drinks then we won't feel that drunk. We think we are not drunk. But it is only a symptom. We misjudge our own capability for concentration and coordination. Very dangerous.
Hope this helped!
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