Well this is going to be a very long page. There is a lot to write about positive thinking.
Especially now, that I keep experiencing it deeper and deeper every day.

What do I think about positive thinking?
If somebody would ask me right now, how I feel about positive thinking, my answer would be:
Start doing it - Get used to it - Don't give up.

It is just like anything else. As more you practice as faster you become a master.

I just re-read this page and something came to my mind.
I've got a feeling that most of the theories are explaining the same thing. Subconscious mind, mysterious energy, or whatever they call it... it all leads to 1 existing highest power that controls life. I like to believe that it is GOD. God inside us and around us, God everywhere. Best described in B.T.Spalding's books. 

Let's see...

Book 1

- Death can be avoided. Sickness is just the result of lack of mental piece which reflects on the body.
- We are all creatures of God. God is perfect, so he/she creates only perfect things. So we are perfect. But we have got free will, and that means we decide how we want to live, what we want to believe. We got very far from God and we forgot that all his power is here to serve us.
- Once we let God work through us again we will gain ultimate power and we will reach so far we never imagined.
- The reason that Jesus left us that time is because he realized that the people made his person as an idol, instead of following the ideal that he represented. People wanted him to help, instead of learning to live by his teachings. Jesus made miracles to show what all is possible if one believes in God as he did. He reached a so high spiritual level, that he was not afraid to die on the cross, because he was certain that he can rebuild his body with the power of God. 
- to be continued :)

(Before 2013.JUL.29.)
What have I learned about positive thinking?
You have to believe that it works.
You have to believe in your self that you can do it.
And you have to believe that everything is possible.
Trust your subconscious power and it will create your future as you want it to be.

How does positive thinking work?
If you think about your dreams all the time, it will become a habit, a routine.
That is what you have to do. That is why you need to practice positive thinking.
To make it as a normal thing, a part of your life. Get used to it.

You have to be very optimistic, enthusiastic, passionate, and patient of course.

How to teach your subconscious mind to think positive?
Meditate and give self-suggestions to your subconscious mind.
While doing the meditation, imagine yourself in the desired situation. Very important that you also feel the happiness of that moment. It's like you are there and it happens to you. It is a fantastic feeling, even if it's only in your mind. You will wake up smiling and energized.
This is the most effective way to teach your subconscious what you really want.

How does the subconscious help?
How will it happen?
Plz, don't expect scientific explanation.  
I'm not an expert and I am still learning.
My opinion is based on my own experience and on my own belief.

Your subconscious power will create coincidences, unexpected situations.
So you have to pay attention. These could be small signs every day.
I don't really know how to explain. But you will know it when it happens.
You will kind of feel it.
It's like a little voice from far trying to get your attention.

Most of the time going for these unexpected things will not seem to be logical.
At that moment you don't see any connections or reasons that it's a good choice to make.
But actually they will get you even closer to your goal than you think.

An example, that happened to us:
I am Hungarian, my wife is Indonesian. We live in London, UK. We wanted to renew my wife's stay permit to Hungary, so she can travel with me in Europe, without visa.
Unfortunately, it is not possible any more, because we are living in a different country. We tried everything, made several phone-calls, talked to many different people, but no chance. After we tried everything, I decided to try one more time. Who knows, maybe I will find a way to solve this problem. And see miracle! I was told by a person from the authorities that we don't need that permit for her to travel, because the other permit she got works just fine. Nobody else told us this before. We even saved money on the flight with this new information.

What I wanted to say here: never give up the hope.
Trust your instincts. Have faith and believe that you will get the best.

How have I learned about positive thinking?
Let me give you some helpful sources to get you motivated.
I did not read many books about the positive thinking so it's not gonna be a long list.

1. Erhard F. Freitag: Kraftzentrale Unterbewußtsein

It is a very good book. 
I think I got it like 15-20 years ago. I read it 3x. And every time I read I make notes.
These notes helping me to create my own self suggestions.
Thanks to this book I have the ultimate proof that suggestions to the subconscious mind are really working.

Another proof that the subconscious works:
Here is the story:

1997. I was 20 years old.
I lived in a small student home in the capital. 
I studied at the University --> engineering. 
Math and all the other subjects were hard enough to understand.
And I was happy if I could manage to pass any exams.
But that doesn't mean I did not like it.
So, on that time I was a free person. I had a lot of time for myself.
I practiced positive thinking very actively and I was also doing sport.
Physical and mental health was first priority... study came later :)
This was the second time that I read the book from Erhard Freitag.
You must know that couple years before this I already made some experiences about my dreams.
Every morning, right after I woke up I wrote my dreams in a notebook.
Not laptop... I used pen and paper. 10 years later I typed all of those notes in the computer.  

Well, back to the subject.
Erhard Freitag's book motivated me again to continue my dream-memories.
It's a lot of fun.
Before sleep you meditate.
You tell positive things to your subconscious.
And you instruct it to make you remember your dreams every morning.
Then, when you wake up, you can write them down.
Most of it is a bunch of weird story. Illogical, funny, mysterious.
But very soon you will notice that you are able to track your dreams backwards in time.
You remember more and more what happened in the dream before.
I always remembered the last dream first.
Than came the question: What was before? Where did it start?
The memories start jumping back from your brain, and you get farther and farther.
After a certain weeks of practice you will reach a point, when you don't have to strengthen your memory.
You can even remember later - any time of the day.
In fact. When you read back your older dreams, you can remember exactly how they looked like.

Ok. Back to reality for a bit.
My exams got closer and I had to study a lot.
I managed to pass most of them with a quite good results.
I left math for later. That was a 5 cm thick book full of stuff to learn.
33 theorems in total. 
1 theorem contained 3-4 mathematical rules and also we had to know how to prove them.
Now imagine to memorize all that!
Well, respect to all university students. It's not an easy job.
I couldn't finish it.
This is what I did 2 days before the math exam:
Before sleep I told myself and repeated the phrase many times: 
"I am going to dream what theorem I will get on my math exam. 
I will wake up right after the dream and I will remember it."
Everything happened just as planned:) 
Next morning I found a short ugly scraping in my notebook. 
Took me an hour to figure out the letters and the words.
Just try to write something while you suddenly wake up from deep sleep.
So what I found was the title of theorem Nr.14 (in the list of 33 theorems)!!!
To make it correct I had to exchange 2 words and replace 1 other word.
But still, only 1 theorem from 33 was matching with this.
That day I only memorized that one. 
Next day I went for the exam. 
I had to choose 1 from 33 upside down piece of papers each having 1 theorem on it. 
Guess what? I picked Nr.14! 
I just smiled and made the best exam of my life :)

You want to know what was the dream about?
I even wrote down the time. It was at 1:40 am.

The dream:
At the University.
I was standing in the main hall of building 'K'.
The place was so crowded I could barely move.
I tried to make way with some of my friends when 
my math teacher (from previous semester) called my name.
He was behind a pole on the edge of the main hall.
First I ignored him, but when he called second time, I listened.
"Viktor, learn the theorem: korlátos zárt függvények folytonos zárt halmazon!”
(I cannot translate that.) 
But at that moment I woke up.
Cool, eh?
Check out the evidences!

I experienced a very unique feeling at that moment. It was much more, than believing that anything is possible. I knew that I am able to do things I only fantasized about before. Everybody is.

You might ask, if I kept doing this, or did I improve this skill?
No, I didn't. Sadly.
Shortly after the exams I changed university and moved to another city.
I made new friends and I was involved too much in social life and parties.

Remember how I started this page? Practice is very important. 
I cannot imagine where would I be now if I kept doing what I started.
And 15 years have passed since than.

2. James Redfield - The Celestine Prophecy

This is also a very interesting book. I read it 4 years ago.
I'm not going to write here what is the story, but worth to read.
It's about some ancient prophecies. 
Do not watch the movie. Not good.
The book is good.

What I learned from it:

- To pay attention to coincidences. They happen all the time and there is a reason for that. We should go for them if our intuition said so. 

- That there is this energy everywhere. That we can learn how to see it and control. That we can learn what it means.
he reason for all human conflict is that people are stealing this energy from each other. How? By greed, by anger, by cheating, etc. With all kind of nasty psychological methods. 

- Every conversation between 2 person is a game to control the other. Controlling with this mystical energy without knowing it. Some people are masters of certain behaviors. They can control others and win even in unfair situations. Because they developed their method and mastered it during the years. And when they win in a conversation, they "suck out" the energy from others. It makes them feel good.
Don't you feel sometimes, that you cannot say no to somebody? That you are unable to protect yourself? Because he/she is to strong in this fight even if you are right. 
These people don't know: If they would help to each other, than both of them would grow in this energy to everybody's benefit.

- There are people who can give a lot of energy. I would call some of them the "good listeners". But not all of them are able to keep up this help because it's tiring. They are losing their energy, and there is a limit when they exhaust.
Just imagine when you listen to your friend's complain and after a time you cannot pay any more attention, because it's just non-stop, too much for you. Your friend will feel much better because he/she could share his problem with you.

- We have to learn how to gain or refill our energies in a peaceful way. Not by destroying each other.

- We can change this energy by our thoughts. We influence it.

- If we learn how to raise our energy level, we will be able to improve ourselves. We can follow more new coincidences, because we don't stuck with our own repeating life moments ("unconscious control drama") any more.

- To pay attention to somebody else, that person will gain from our energy.

- All of us have a way to manipulate others. We have to overcome this behavior. Only than can we make the next step to increase our level. The best is maybe to ask friends, what they think about me, what is my control drama. Because it's always easier to see that as an outsider.

- We have to learn how to concentrate permanently to keep our energy level. Especially when we are together with other people. Not to let them take away our energy if they don't deserve it.

- We have to learn to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them asap with positive thoughts. If we get used to this, we will reach a point where we won't get any negative thoughts.

- We have to live through love. That will keep our high vibration. If we let our certain level of vibration go down, our body can get sick. 

- Try practicing giving energy to plants, by concentrating on their beauty with your love. 

- What causes the end of the passion and euphoria of love between 2 person?  Why does it turn into conflict? "It is a result of the flow of energy between the individuals involved." It is very interesting actually, how this book explains what's going on. 
First the 2 person unconsciously give energy to each other. They will feel so good, like they want to be together all the time. They want to get this feeling again and again, until they will depend on each other's energy. When they reach the point when they fall back into their own "conflict drama", they want to get the energy by force from the other. That's when the conflict hits them. The 2 person forgot that there are other sources to get energy.

- We should "appreciate the beauty of an object (or a person) until enough energy comes into us to feel love. At that point we can send energy back." When we love or appreciate something or someone, we will give and get energy.  

- Let's say I pay attention to you because I admire, like or respect you. That will make you feel good because u get energy from me. You are happy and thankful and I realize this, which will make me feel good and my energy will grow as well. Because of our higher energy levels both of us can concentrate better to each other. We will see much clearer, feel much better - even excited from the power, and "the cycle begins over again".
But this is different from the love relationship, because in here we did not keep depending on each other to get energy. 

- When somebody plays a conflict drama, it can be played only until it will be discovered and pointed it out by someone else. After that it's not hidden any more, and the person has to be honest.

- With time and improvement we will be able to increase our vibration level so high, that we could visually disappear for those who are still on lower energy level. We will be still there but they will not see us.

- This book is also talking about Jesus Christ, who reached a spiritual level so high that he was able to overcome death.


3. Creating Power with Karim Hajee 

I subscribed on the 7-day e-mail course from Karim Hajee and I must say that I strongly agree with the point of his training.

Directing our thoughts with positive thinking to attract the right situations to achieve our goals. To believe that we can have what we want.

Basically the same what I read in E.Freitag's book, but it's the american version. It's got the taste of business, because it repeats a lot and takes you to other websites that are very much commercial alike. Links you to pages to buy this book and that CD, and much more.

I completed the 1 week email course, by reading all incoming messages. And I also made my own notes, collected all the creative ideas and advices.

Since I finished the course I still keep getting messages almost every day. It is very nice from him, because it's a kind of reminder of all the important things that I learned before.

There is only one thing I don't like. There are too many examples for the mistakes in the way how people are thinking and that is destroying the positiveness of the whole thing. Actually there is a good reason for that as he told me. He has to show these errors and than he gives a solution how to correct them.

What I did was: copying out all the good stuff.  
Reading only that gives me a lot more motivation.

I understand that he wants to point out all the bad habits what most people have. This way people realize what they do wrong.

All in all it is good.
Especially when we combine it with other knowledge of positive thinking. 

Here is a link if you want to know more :  

4. Baird T. Spalding:  
    Life and Teachings of the Masters of the far East

After reading this book I can understand positive thinking based on God's existence.

This is a very good book.
Where to start? Where to start? ...
Hmm.. I will not explain what is this book all about.
Instead I will write down here some of my favorite lines.
(Not exactly as in the book.)

Love is the most important thing in this world.
We must realize and learn that God is not a person, sitting somewhere up in the heaven, but God is the almighty creating power. Inside us, around us, everywhere in everything.

God created us to be perfect and there is no limit for us in space and in time. We can have everything we want

We find heaven inside ourselves here on Earth. Hell doesn't exist because God created only good things. Hell only exist in people's mind who believe in it.

As long as we want to have and create good things, we will live a happy life. When we do/want something that is harmful or not good, that will go back to the chaos waiting there to be created again in perfection.

There is a lot more. Other things.
I think the best is to read it.
It's very good :)


(more coming)