Hello... today my lovely Dewike left the UK with this airplane --->
So I will be alone for a while:[
We hope that she will get Visa back much easier than before. She was lucky on the airport in Kuwait because she found a free network and we could talk with video on skype. It was good to see she is okay. Otherwise she said that airport sucks... not even a socket to plug in the laptop and the fried chicken is bad. I saw a lot of black ninjas in her webcam too:] After she waited 5 hours for the connection, the flight got delayed until tomorrow morning. Now she is going to a hotel but has only couple hours to sleep. She has to check in at 6:30 for the flight. I hope she will be fine.
Good luck my love, things will be fine:] Love you!
yeah..i love you too guys...if you read my blog and click on the stupid non interesting ads....bleh