Last night I decided to fix my old HP laptop. This was the second attempt. The first time was almost 2 years ago when the hardware problems first occured. What was wrong? Black screen, usb connectors failed to recognized external devices, keyboard wasn't working properly, wireless adapter died... So I sat down, got my screwdriver set and opened up the machine totally. Part by part I separated everything and gathered visual information about the inside of the computer. Well I did not get smarter but I managed to cover the table with shitload of mechanic bits. Then I just put back everything as it was and gave up...temporarily only!!!
Now I asked my parents to send this laptop to me, maybe Dewi can fix it in Indonesia, so she can use it. But my optimistic, 'nevergiveup' ego just got to the surface and made me decide to do a new operation. Before I started I turned it on once again just to see how is it after a long sleep on the attic:] Ooh-lala, screen is fine, I can see everything, what a surprise! BUT: half of the keyboard buttons are dead, can not connect mouse or external hard drive, no internet...
Okay then, let's do this again. But this time with more spirit. I unscrewed and opened everything, separated even more parts than last time. Checked every connections, disconnected - cleaned - reconnected the cables, and at the end I assembled the machine with a great hope. After I powered up the system, Windows loaded. No problem yet. Try the keyboard... everything works. Can't believe it. Connect the mouse... it works. Ho-hooo... connect external hard drive... this is the point where I got disappointed again. "USB Device Not Recognized" message popped up. Well what now? Format the whole hard drive. I made 3 partitions as well. Then I reinstalled Windows XP on drive 'C'. Installed all the up-to-date drivers. Result: everything worked fine, only this usb problems remained. I checked forums, tried to find solution for this but whatever people suggest is just not working for me. I really hope that it is not a hardware failure.
Anyway, if someone want's to know about HP Pavilion dv5000 series laptop... ask me:]