Saturday, 2 October 2010
2 weeks ago when I went home from work with my bike, I chose the newly opened road, which actually saves 4 min of my journey:] I saw a big bag-shaped thing lying on the road. It was too far to see exactly what it was but as I got closer I realized that it was a drunk guy sleeping. It was about 2 am in the night and it was pretty cold. I got off my bicycle and tried to wake him up, but he wasn't reacting very actively:] So i pulled him off the road onto the walkway. He was a heavy, big guy. Still sleeping there in a sitting - forward leaning position. Suddenly a car stopped with 4 stupid indians in it. The idiot driver shouted to me to take the guy's wallet and phone, and when I gave him my "i-can't-believe-you-just-said-that"-look, he told me that if I don't take the stuff they will come back for it later. Whatever - I said and I left the drunk man alone after the indian junkies drove away. I was just glad I removed that guy from the road before a car ran over him. The rest is not my problem:]