Saturday, 2 January 2010


Recently I learned couple things how to cure hangover. But the truth is that there is nothing really what helps. Not yet. The best what we can do is sleep and drink lots of water.

- more alcohol: some say if we drink more alcohol next morning it will help. It will certainly relax us, but don't get used to it: it could lead to alcohol addiction. Nevertheless it just gives more job for the liver to fight more toxins. Alcohol causes dehydration, so better know the limit.
- big breakfast: egg is good because it helps the liver to dissolve alcohol. Banana and kiwi helps with potassium. Fruit juice is not a big help, it's good only against dehydration.
- overburned toast: it's not helping, because only the active coal can filter the alcohol, and the two are not the same at all:]
- pills for headache: do not take those, especially not the ones which contain paracetamol. Those just give more work for the liver. Aspirin might help with lots of water but if somebody is allergic to aspirin, it could be very dangerous (causes bleeding in stomach).
- coffee: makes us awake..but only temporary. Caffeine makes the veins narrow so it will reduce headache, but it also causes dehydration and after the effect is gone we will feel more exhausted then before:]
- energy drinks: if we mix alcohol with energy drinks then we won't feel that drunk. We think we are not drunk. But it is only a symptom. We misjudge our own capability for concentration and coordination. Very dangerous.

Hope this helped!