Monday, 15 March 2010


Hello people!

Something is wrong with my luck:] Things just not want to work out in the last couple months...
But heads up... or how is it? Chin up! Nothing last forever:] Even I had a month long job and a chance to learn how to make espresso based coffees, now I am back where I started this year: Looking for job again and getting the answers that it is not too busy right now:[ For some reason I just can not think positive... wonder why? Ha-ha! WRS form is not coming... just when I need it the most. Looks like Home Office doesn't like me at all. Now Dewi has to go back to Indonesia and we have no chance to do anything against it. Bureaucracy. Makes things go slower or even stops them. Money + Politics + Bureaucracy = NOT GOOD = BAD. Okay something else: I finished Dragon Age Origins... was a long game but excellent. I go check my spinach. It's still green. How is this? Doesn't matter how full I am after eating, I still don't feel good until I got some dessert? Chocolate, fruit or anything sweet. I think I got used to it home-home in my younger years. Oh yes...I haven't done any exercises since 3 weeks. Now I have to do push-ups and sit-ups every hour for I don't know how many days! Boy, it will be fun and sore muscles.

That's it for now. If you want to know more details, ask me!
Don't be shy:]