Monday, 8 March 2010


I go to buy some food in the supermarket and I face hundreds of mothers pushing their babies in the stroller. Blocking my way, holding me up, stopping in the middle of everything... Man, I feel like in a kinder garden. Then the old people, doing the same stuff, just without the children. Or some full member families... OMG! Why they have to go there when normal people want to make their quick shopping?

I'm sitting in the tube, some stinky person (mostly men) comes and sits next to me, legs wide open, touching my legs...why? I don't like to be touched by strangers! Why do they like it? I have my personal aura and some people (from some culture) just don't feel when they break through! I try to pull my legs away and still they keep closing towards me. It really pisses me of!

It's Friday. I finish work at 4pm. I really want to get home, so happy for the weekend! I should bring my timesheet to the job-agency, but it would take an hour extra time for me. If they don't get it until Monday I won't get my salary. I'm tired, so I decide to go there on Sunday. Sunday comes. I'm in the bad mood already because it will take 3 hours for me to get there and back. Only traveling, nothing useful. Okay, 65 min later I'm there, tossing the paper under the door. 5-6 other timesheets lying inside already. I go back to the station. The tube is late. More and more people gathering. I still hope that I can sit 'cause it will take me an hour to get home. Tube is finally here. I find an empty seat. Next stop more people coming in. 2 drunk bastards standing in front of me, joking with some american chicks. Stepping on my feet, smelling like beer and dirt and armpit. And they won't get off for the next 10 stops. Great!

It is 4 weeks that I'm waiting for my worker registration form. It is critical for us to get it in time. It's not even the first so it should take less time for the authorities to deal with it. Just renewing the old one. But no, takes longer than the original was. I'm trying to call the solicitor when my new mobile gives up. Battery dies. Crazy! I regret 1000 times that I bought this sh*t Nokia 1680. Menu is slow, display is just a peace of crap, and on top of all (it goes for all Nokia phones) whenever I take out the battery to change the SIM card, the phone forgets the time and date. It's sooooo annoying. So I get home. Check post - no mail...again. Only a delivery message, that the postman left a package for us by the neighbors. They are not home... great! Okay, I call the solicitor. He is not there... I call back 3 more times every 15 minutes. Still not there. In the meantime I check my emails. Got an email from him (Respect!), but bad news: Home Office does not take any calls until Wednesday.... OMG why now? Why us? The last weeks are passing by with hope and disappointments. It's not fair. We are good people. We don't deserve this.