(source: Popular Science, Dr. Anne Laumann)
- injecting ink with a needle into the second layer of the skin.
- white blood cells will attack the ink and take it into the bloodstream, so it can get carried out of the body.
- but the pigments are too big and cannot be eaten up by white blood cells. So they remain there with the new color.
- there are 3 ways to remove tattoos: burning out, cutting out, laser treatment.
- to remove a tattoo, laser is the safest and most effective way but also expensive and time consuming.
- the laser breaks up the pigments so they get smaller and the white blood cells can destroy them. This treatment is also not 100% guarantee because there is a chance for skin discoloration, especially when the tattoo is made with many different colors.
- so if u see a chance that u could regret a tattoo later, better don't go for it.