Sunday, 19 May 2013


I had a hard time this weekend trying to fix the brake pipe for our scooter. Still not finished. Dirty oil stuck under my fingernails. I have to find out tomorrow if a seller on ebay has a similar pipe to what I need.

I was also gardening on Saturday. Cutting grass, weeding, making the place nicer. The strawberries are growing again.

The floor laying course continues. In 3 days I learned a lot. But is a bit too fast and too much new information to process. Good thing is that I really like it.

I got lucky with a projector on ebay. I was random checking during break and I found a barely used projector with 30 min left of bidding. 
I won :D
This week it should arrive.
Than I will make home cinema in the bedroom :))

I refreshed the PHOTO page and the FOOD page.
And the SCOOTER page too.
Have a look.

My next project will be something for the wall, holding the projector. I am also thinking to fix the wall in the garden. Level it and paint it white. On a warm summer night we can watch movies there with the projector. And football :)
Wooowww! I just saw how big the screen can be. Covering half of the garden. Like in a real cinema! Tomorrow I go get a cable so i can try with the laptop. If the picture will be sharp enough than it's gonna be a great summer :D