After 3 days my addiction for Angry Birds burned out :)
I did some voluntary work in a library.
Bought book shelves in IKEA and helped to assemble them.
Weather is rainy, cannot even go for jogging.
Almost finished the book I read.
There's gonna be some extra for the positive thinking page.
Squirrels keep coming to eat. Little furballs.
Not much going on. All quiet down here :)
Oh yes, 1 new thing I learned:
How to clean the "semi-rimmed framed" eyeglasses.
Because dirt can go under the thread and that leaves a black line around the lenses. I found a very handy video on 'youtube' that helped me in this. It actually uses a flat plastic ribbon - used for giftboxes, flowers, etc - by slipping it through the small space between the lens and the thread. Than grabbing the two ends of the ribbon lift out the thread from the gap which is engraved around the lens. Very easy and safe way to clean :)