Monday, 13 August 2012


The price for the scooter - caused by the theft - will cost us £300. Not £2000 as we thought.
Still... it did not make me happy, but I feel better and relieved. 
Unfortunately - because of this - I couldn't enjoy the happiness for leaving my job behind. 
Would have been too nice of course. Life is not fair once more.

This situation just made our weekend unenjoyable, depressing. The weather was also crap.. as usual in London. Now is Monday. The sky was cloudy all day. It's getting late when the sun comes back. This is also typical. No point going out and enjoy it. It is 7pm already. I really start to consider to leave this country and give up all it's benefits for a place with more sunshine. Something for something... right?

I watched movies all day... the Bourne-Trilogy. I like them a lot. Kind of make me want to watch more like them. But I decided to watch the Godfather. I had to w8 35 minutes until the first exciting thing happened. I guess this old movies are not for me. Most of them are too long and boring... only the last minutes are interesting. I keep watching because everybody say this is a great film. Let's see what I will say :)

..ok, good movie :)