Sunday, 26 August 2012


I'm on my holidays (right now in Indonesia)!
3 more weeks to go :))


Dewi and me - Kuta Beach - Bali
With my new fans :)
Pakde Hir and me - Tambak beach - Blitar, Jawa

Monday, 13 August 2012


The price for the scooter - caused by the theft - will cost us £300. Not £2000 as we thought.
Still... it did not make me happy, but I feel better and relieved. 
Unfortunately - because of this - I couldn't enjoy the happiness for leaving my job behind. 
Would have been too nice of course. Life is not fair once more.

This situation just made our weekend unenjoyable, depressing. The weather was also crap.. as usual in London. Now is Monday. The sky was cloudy all day. It's getting late when the sun comes back. This is also typical. No point going out and enjoy it. It is 7pm already. I really start to consider to leave this country and give up all it's benefits for a place with more sunshine. Something for something... right?

I watched movies all day... the Bourne-Trilogy. I like them a lot. Kind of make me want to watch more like them. But I decided to watch the Godfather. I had to w8 35 minutes until the first exciting thing happened. I guess this old movies are not for me. Most of them are too long and boring... only the last minutes are interesting. I keep watching because everybody say this is a great film. Let's see what I will say :)

..ok, good movie :)

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Police came, checked the scene, can not help.
Reg.Nr. of scooter is in police system, but not much chance to find it anyways.
Now we only can hope that we don't have to pay for the scooter :(
That sucks.


Today our 'replacement' scooter was stolen from the garage. Daytime! - Fuck!
If we have to pay for it, our holiday will be fucked!
Waiting for police...


Finally I quit my job!
As much happy I was when I got it 2 and a half years ago, as happy I am now to leave that place behind :)

It means a lot when I think about: No more shitty little things to piss me off. No more asshole who enjoys to stretch my nerves. No more unpractical, unhygienic and messy equipment to handle. No more thoughts about how much money the company takes away from me. No more starting and finishing a shift with an angry, boiling mind!

I traveled 12000 km to work by bicycle which is a pretty nice achievement.

No more comments... let's just forget them :)
Time to move on!

Sunday, 5 August 2012


It is going to be a very exciting couple months in the scientific word! Space explorer Voyager 1 is about to enter interstellar space, leaving the solar system behind.
The Voyager 1 is now 18 milliard km far from the Sun. It is going to be traveling 35 years on Sept.5.2012. It's twin 'brother' the Voyager 2 is flying since Aug.20.1977. to different direction around 15 milliard km from us now. (just checked... yes, Voyager 2 was sent first)
Their primary mission was to explore Jupiter/Saturn (V1) and Uranus/Neptune (V2), and now they are still sending information from out there :)

Saturday, 4 August 2012


I just finished "Citizen Kane"
... what can I say? Orson Welles: great acting and directing.
... here is the story: little kid in the snow plays with his sledge - he became a famous and rich man and he dies - his last word: 'Rosebud' - some people make movie about his life and want to find out what Rosebud means - they ask others who tell story about Kane, but nobody knows what the fuck is Rosebud stands for - when Kane dies he drops a little "glass ball with snowfall inside" which reminded him on his old sledge: 'Rosebud' printed on the bottom :) - soooo, an insignificant word made some people do huge effort to look for answer which they never found - blah!

... my favorite is still Nacho Libre - Blade Runner - and others :)

The reason I watched the 'long time Nr.1 movie' because I wanted to know why the 1st place.
I don't like it that much, and I don't agree with the decision... but it was worth to watch once.
At least I can say that I know it.

Btw... as more old films I watch as more I realize how shit is the acting and story in today's movies.
Well... of course not in all of them.

1 day later:

Vertigo (from Alfred Hitchcock) : I did not like 'Psycho' at all but this is worse. I watched halfway through and I dunno if I should finish it. This Hitchcock-style is so long and boring. Not to mention the nerve-twisting music. What do people like on it?
Damn, I finished it.. what a stupid movie is this! All the "experts" who voted this for Nr1 should be punished to watch it again and again until they going crazy from the creepy music.. duuuude.. I deleted it straight away.
This is a shit film :))
if you want to watch a good old movie then watch this: 12 Angry Men (1957)