... ok well next day I worked untill 3:30 pm. I left the restaurant at 3:45pm. Nobody claimed the giftbag and it made me feel stronger about my theory, that those people were tourists and they won't bother to get the cheap gifts. So I took it. I arrived home at 4:30 pm. I noticed that I got phonecall at 4 pm from the restaurant. So I called them back. The res girl was asking me about the bag. I told her I have it. She said that I have to bring it back because the guest called and looking for it. I was very surprised and disappointed too. Why only now the idiot asking for his bag? Why not already yesterday or next morning? Ok, I said I go back now. 1 minute later my manager called again and was freaked out like something terrible happened. I told him I'm on my way with the bag, just calm down. When I arrived he started to tell me that the guest is going mad searching for his bag, calling all day, and he is coming here now, bla bla bla. I apologized to him, I accepted that it was a mistake to take someone else's property, but I also explained him why I did it and I wanted him to understand that he shouldn't take it too serious because it is only some chocolate. Not a big deal. Well whatever, the bag was there and I went back home. Thank God, I wasn't fired. Next Monday I found out that the bag is still there, nobody came for it. And I also found out from the res girl that the guy only called once at 4pm that day. So much about honesty from the manager. I think he just wanted to scare me, because it made him feel good. I hope you enjoyed it te kis buzi!
Other news:
I reached 5700km with the bike. Our new hamster, Rudi is growing and getting more tame every day. My old laptop died, dunno what's wrong with it...screen or GPU? So we bought a new HP (AMD-ATI), which is a shit (1st time from HP), and I'm very unhappy with it. Always crashes. Now I installed a 32 bit Win7 and it's a bit better. Originally it was 64bit Win7. Probably the videodriver is a shit for that.
I reached lvl60/52 priest/scout in RoM. Not doing any more dailies till I get better gear. Just do instance runs for farming and making money from the loot I collect. I run 100000 gold :]
We rearranged the rooms. Moved back to the bedroom to sleep. I had to put a woodboard under the mattress 'cause my back hurt every morning. Now is good.
Pimpim still eat a lot, sleep a lot and looks like a furball.