Friday, 27 April 2012


Ok, my day went like this: (it was shit)
- 6:10 am - got on bicycle - no rain for the first 5 min - then it started with small raindrops for another 5 min - I didn't have my rainproof trainer on because I thought like this I can still make it to the workplace without getting wet - than it started to rain harder so I stopped under a bridge to get those trousers on - after 1 min the rain stopped and was no more :( Good one!
- this week in London is like this: 30 min raining / 30 min sunshine / repeat this all day
- I entered the restaurant at 6:45 - I saw the bar-beck already working - he supposed to start only at 7am like me - but he is always there earlier - he signs the 'sign-on sheet' from 7-15 as his rota say  - but he start earlier and finish later - why would somebody do this? - working for free for a company which only uses him and never gives him anything, not even raising his salary after 2 years! - that pisses me off. 
- ok, first good news of the morning: the nerve-sick supervisor is not there - that guy is a walking stress-bag - so I felt much better and lighter - unfortunately an hour later he appeared and started his shift with us :( - my happiness did not last long.
- the barista (coffee maker) asked me if I checked my salary - every Friday she asks me - and she complained that she got £70 less tronc than normally - (tronc is the money from the service charge) - she said that all the foodloss in the kitchen and all the stupid decoration and all the new deli-shop items and the plumbing, electrical and mechanical charges are payed from our service charge - that made me think about how much money the company pulls out from our pocket - and it made me a very bad mood.
- on top of all I don't make any tips.
- the girl who has quit a month ago, came back because she couldn't find another job - I don't like to work with her - before she called me lazy and she meant it, because she had a little bit more to work that day than usual - whatever, she fucks up my routine every morning now - it's like she's taking away the job I used to do - I hope she goes away again - but better would be if I could find another job and I could quit a.s.a.p.
- the other bar-beck guy is also a piss-off factor - he is soooo dumb and stupid - aaaand extremely slow/comfortable - his English sucks - he should go to a speech therapist - he is winging like a mouse and I cannot understand half of what he mumbles - and he is about to graduate in marketing management - OMG!
- lunch service was an absolute mess again
- the worse part of the day was at the end of my shift: supposed to finish at 3pm - of course not possible because in this place we can never leave on time - this is management fault - they should organize (manage) new (next shift) staff to take over sections - or make our working hours longer - so at 14:55 the bitch told me she will give me test about the new menu in a minute - the bitch is a manager who's got horse-face and thinks she is beautiful - but she is ugly as hell - whatever! - she gave me test at 3:30pm and expected me to fill it out before I leave - she got no respect at all towards me and my free-time - but I filled out the test - then I asked her for my report (to do the cash-out) - she still pushed that extra button: 'before u go plz bring all the cutlery here from the other side' - FUCK U BITCH! - but again, I did what she asked for.
- finished cash-out - 3:45pm - I'm about to leave the building when the bitch barks at me from behind - I did not understand what she said so I went closer to her ('cause she was sitting and having some conversation with one of my colleague) - she said "don't forget the £2 for runners" - WTF? - then I had an argument with her - I don't even have £1, how the hell should I give £2 for the runners??? - of course she did not believe it - I said I cannot prove that I did not make any fuckin' tips today and this is bullshit - why should I give money for the runners when that is their job? - unfortunately when I am angry I can not reasoning - so I left with a boiling brain, I was so pissed.
- what the fuck are these managers thinking? - the company should pay the workers for their job, not the other worker! - Let's check my payslip: for 42 hours/week I got £40 tronc. It is £1/hour - Ridiculous - aaaaand I have to pay tax after the tronc too :)) - Oh yeah baby... money for the government for my service! - and if I'm lucky to get some extra money because SOME customer is willing to leave extra tip above the service charge on the table----I should pay the runners for running the food and drinks what I order for the guests???????? - BULLSHIT!
- so was my lovely day at job ... again :( 
- I am sooo stupid - I should look for a better place and not waste my time for this company.

Sunday, 22 April 2012


Yeah... before vomiting I still could see my face there. I drunk a bit too much last night. I was at a concert in the nearby pub and had a lot of beer with my neighbors. Unfortunately I couldn't handle it and I let it out later in our bathroom. Was good music from the Cowbell (which I wrote earlier about).

The weather fucks up every weekend here in London. It is raining almost every day nowadays. Sitting inside is just loosing precious time for relaxing and regenerating. It's crap.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

11.000 STEPS, 14 KM

I bought yesterday a pedometer. It looks like a digital watch or beeper, and it measures how many step I do. So I can see how much km I walked and even how much calories I burned. Today I started to work at 7 am and finished at 3 pm. I did around 14-thousand steps = approx. 11 km. That means 50-55km/week walking at the working place. Interesting :)

I also bought a nice binoculars. I felt like when I got my 1st binocs from my grandfather for Christmas. It is such a good feeling to watch the night sky full of stars. And I made a good deal for 20 pounds. :)


Sunday, 15 April 2012


My laptop screen is dirty.
I was sitting in front of the window and sewing my socks. It was nice and warm from the sunshine. But outside is still cold. Next to me inside the window Dewi's little plants are growing. It seems they really enjoying themselves.
I went down to the garage to check the electricity usage. Everybody was using a bit more last week.
One of my colleague was moving here to Leyton yesterday. I told him I want to visit him, but I didn't call.
I am still jogging and it makes me feel good. God seems to like me doing it, because during that time no clouds are covering the Sun :) Before and after they do.
Would be nice to go boating later in the afternoon and get some bread for the birds. But it's still too windy for that. Maybe I'll ask the neighbor to come jogging, so he can see the lake and how nice the area is.
I go play RoM a bit. Hopefully I can lvl up sec. char by the end of next week.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Some people went to the desert and followed an interesting track. They found a bush-sized plant with red flowers on it. When they showed interest, the flowers started to grow. They took the bush with themselves to the city. I was also studying this plant but than it was small, nice and colorful. When I showed happiness and joy, the flowers grew fast. Later I was sitting with more people around the plant showing different emotions. The negative emotions (anger, hate, madness) made the plant change into big bush with only hundreds of small white flowers on it. These white flowers were flashing lights and radiating the bad emotions towards us, playing with our psycho.

Monday, 9 April 2012


It's raining. Saturday and Sunday were cloudy. The next days will be sunny. This is how it goes in London... God has something against this British people. He gives good weather when everybody has to work, and shitty weather during weekends and holidays. Fair enough, thx. We really enjoyed sitting inside the room wasting our loooovely Easter. 


Sunday, 8 April 2012


4-days holiday :)

On Thursday after work I found the back tire of my bike totally flat. I tried to pump it up but no success. "Must be a BIG hole" - I thought. So how the heck will I get home? No Oyster-card for tube, no cash and no creditcard :) Great! Ok.. I don't want to push it untill home. It would take like 2 hours. So I decided to do the worst thing: Riding my bike with flat tire :) Anyway both tires are already totally worn out, so no problem if it totally rips. (I have to buy new ones later.) So I did, and made it home with a comfortable speed not much more than 30 min :)

Here is a photo about a huge rip on the tire after I changed the damaged inner tube and 1/2-pumped it.

I took Rudi to the vet around 5:30pm. Just wanted to make sure that he is ok, cause he lost weight in the last month. But he still looks good and the doctor said he is fine. He's favorite habit is now stair-climbing. Here he is... our grumpy ninja:

Friday was a lazy day. We went shopping with 2 bicycles. Didn't really prepared to buy a lot of stuff, but at the end the trolley got so full, we were wondering if we can take all the stuff home. But problem solved with boxes... and of course thx the good old 2-wheelers! Was a smart and fun way to deliver the goods to Mr Fridge :)

I cought "Mr Squirry" on camera when she was stealing the birdfood and the peanuts. Very cheeky... always comes and checks if there is something.

On Saturday I had BBQ with my neighbors. Beefsteak brazilian-way: simple and delicious. And had some latvian beer too :) But no photos, sorry.

Today is Sunday and I will to go to buy the new tires for the bike. I also want to clean the house a bit and wash clothes. The weather is shit. Typical british. When weekend comes usually clouds covering the sun. But all week is nice and shiny when we have to work. Stupid weather.
Ok, lets see what will happen today ... :)